This is the last village that you can reach by vehicle in general from Pandeglang (West Java). From here we can enter into a new area of Foreign Baduy tribe. Previously reported should be used with the leaders in a adatnya JARO. There are some who have the task JARO respectively. We must report to the JARO a relationship with the task of building a culture outside or in a Pulung also JARO.
Areas include Cikeusik Baduy, Cibeo, and Cikartawarna. Baduy own name is taken from the name of a river passing through the river Cibaduy region. In this village lived a tribe of Foreign Baduy berbaur with many other people of Sunda.
Baduy outside or they usually call Urang Panamping. Characteristics, always dressed in black.
They build home above the stone (this is their belief that the house that must stand firmly on a stone)
Generally, people are outside Baduy culture outside (outside Baduy culture of its own) such as school, so can read and write, can speak Indonesian. Their farming livelihoods.
Palm sugar is the result of them. In this village, there are a lot of sugar palm trees.
Agricultural products include rice bisanya they store their rice in the barn that is in every village. Besides rice memabuat They also crafts such as bags Koja material made from the bark of the anyam.
In Baduy tribe while living in the forest interior and still has not been isolated and culture outside the entrance. Their original culture, and very difficult people who want to enter let alone live with the tribe of Baduy In.
In addition, people can not recklessly into areas In Bedouin tribe. You cannot bring the camera.
Baduy famous person in the firm in their tradition. They always dressed in white with cloth headband and machete. All this equipment for their own hands. Their clothes and not having mobilized, they will also not be based foot. They go where-where just walking without a pedestal and did not bring money, so they did not use the vehicle. Outside the community very difficult in the entrance area Baduy what else to take photographs.
Such provisions have not written that race descendants of Mongoloid, Negroid and Kaukasoid not allowed to enter areas Baduy In. If all the provisions of this tradition in the Langgar akan kena getahnya called kuwalat or tribe is pamali Baduy own. Spirituality Sunda Wiwitan they are, they do not recognize the school, the letter that they know is Aksara Hanacara and Sunda language.
They can not take the equipment or facilities from the outside. So they can imagine in life without using power, money, and they do not know sekolahan. One example of those who make the equipment without assistance from outside is Bamboo bridge. The bridge was constructed without using nails, to bind them using a bamboo rod ijuk, and sustain the foundation for the bridge used the trees that grow in the river bank.
Areas include Cikeusik Baduy, Cibeo, and Cikartawarna. Baduy own name is taken from the name of a river passing through the river Cibaduy region. In this village lived a tribe of Foreign Baduy berbaur with many other people of Sunda.
Baduy outside or they usually call Urang Panamping. Characteristics, always dressed in black.
They build home above the stone (this is their belief that the house that must stand firmly on a stone)
Generally, people are outside Baduy culture outside (outside Baduy culture of its own) such as school, so can read and write, can speak Indonesian. Their farming livelihoods.
Palm sugar is the result of them. In this village, there are a lot of sugar palm trees.
Agricultural products include rice bisanya they store their rice in the barn that is in every village. Besides rice memabuat They also crafts such as bags Koja material made from the bark of the anyam.
In Baduy tribe while living in the forest interior and still has not been isolated and culture outside the entrance. Their original culture, and very difficult people who want to enter let alone live with the tribe of Baduy In.
In addition, people can not recklessly into areas In Bedouin tribe. You cannot bring the camera.
Baduy famous person in the firm in their tradition. They always dressed in white with cloth headband and machete. All this equipment for their own hands. Their clothes and not having mobilized, they will also not be based foot. They go where-where just walking without a pedestal and did not bring money, so they did not use the vehicle. Outside the community very difficult in the entrance area Baduy what else to take photographs.
Such provisions have not written that race descendants of Mongoloid, Negroid and Kaukasoid not allowed to enter areas Baduy In. If all the provisions of this tradition in the Langgar akan kena getahnya called kuwalat or tribe is pamali Baduy own. Spirituality Sunda Wiwitan they are, they do not recognize the school, the letter that they know is Aksara Hanacara and Sunda language.
They can not take the equipment or facilities from the outside. So they can imagine in life without using power, money, and they do not know sekolahan. One example of those who make the equipment without assistance from outside is Bamboo bridge. The bridge was constructed without using nails, to bind them using a bamboo rod ijuk, and sustain the foundation for the bridge used the trees that grow in the river bank.